Based in NYC, Arden T. Ly explores the musings of the mundane, the fascinating, and everything in between.

When Timing Isn't a Bitch

They say that timing is a bitch.

But whoever “they” were just wasn’t on her squad. ‘Cause when she’s on your side, it’s probably the closest thing to being a god.

Meeting you when I did was magic. More than magic. It’s the best way I can explain it with this human mind. I don’t know. It’s like the cosmos conspired to one day make you mine.

But doesn’t the universe have better things to do? In the grand scheme, after all, we’re just specks of dust. It’s true.

Still, you make me feel like the sparkliest piece of dust in the universe. That glint in your gaze makes me feel like a star. One look from you, and I’m a light in the sky—seen near and far.

So I dance among the cosmos and chill with Space and Time. I thank Time for her blessings. And even if I’m just a floating speck of dust, you taught me that’s just fine.

That Girl on the Train

19 Things I’ve Learned during 100 Days of Isolation in COVID-19 Quarantine