Based in NYC, Arden T. Ly explores the musings of the mundane, the fascinating, and everything in between.

Every Single F*cking Love Story in 21 Steps

  1. Meet in meet-cute.

  2. Express interest.

  3. Date.

  4. Honeymoon.

  5. Get comfortable.

  6. Fight.

  7. Make up.

  8. Fight again.

  9. Make up again.

  10. Fight some more.

  11. Call it quits.

  12. Cry.

  13. Cry again.

  14. Reconnect.

  15. Separate.

  16. Connect again.

  17. Separate for real.

  18. Cry some more.

  19. Heal.

  20. Forget.

  21. Return to Step 1.

I'll Have the Kennedy Package Please

A Familiar Stranger