Based in NYC, Arden T. Ly explores the musings of the mundane, the fascinating, and everything in between.

Salt and Peppered Nostalgia

I’m such a nostalgic person. I hold onto a lot of memories from the past, good and bad.

The past fascinates me because it’s a story I already know. As time passes, we may become less emotionally attached to such stories. We may get older, and the heroes and heroines we used to root for now become the villains or vice-versa. Or sometimes, we recognize that things were never that black and white with good and bad forces at work. Instead, the past becomes a painting of different hues of gray. The paint brushes of perspective, time, and experience blend lights and darks into gradients of gray. We recognize that maybe the things we saw then were not so simplistic in that way.

Maybe that’s why as we age, our hair turns to gray. It’s a visual representation of what our past has become to us. The seasons pass, and our hair becomes salt and peppered. With these seasonings in and on our head, we can choose to mask or enhance the different flavors of life.

What will you do with your grays today?

A Love Letter to Myself

To the Friends Who Give You Life