Based in NYC, Arden T. Ly explores the musings of the mundane, the fascinating, and everything in between.

A Love Letter to Myself

Hello Friend,

It’s been awhile since we spoke. Have you thought about me as much as I’ve thought of you? I’ve been worried about you. I know you loved him, but you should have never let anyone else get in the way of our friendship.

I am all you have in the end.

I am all you have.

I am, after all, you.

Come on, girly. How did you let yourself go through that for so long? Yes, the goods were very good. But don’t forget that the bads were very bad. We know better. We are better than that.

What’s that? You say you love him? Love? Yeah, I know. I felt it, too. I’m you, remember? But love is also a verb. And it’s hard work to truly do. Love. It’s what you grew up with. It’s what your family and friends have shown you unconditionally since the day you were born. It’s not just a word you murmur between “I” and “you”, but you and I will have to learn to love each other again.

We got this.

You know, I’ve always been here. You might have just forgotten about me because you loved him that much. Don’t worry. I get it. We get excited. We get caught up in things. Your mind ran after him and your fantasy future plans with him. That’s fine. But recognize, my dear, that that’s all they were: fantasies. You know that I always gotta be first. You can’t love anyone else until you do. Now go get ‘em.

Love always,

Everything I've Ever Wanted You to Tell Me

Salt and Peppered Nostalgia